
Each year, approximately 1.7 million pacemakers are implanted worldwide, with over 30,000 of those in Australia, significantly improving recipients’ health and life expectancy. 

A South Australian company, (Cardiovascular Technology Services Pty Ltd), based at Flinders University, is revolutionizing pacemaker surgeries. The company’s OnePoint Junction Box helps take the guesswork out of surgery, ensuring better outcomes and even extending the pacemaker's lifespan. This device is now sold in 26 countries, contributing to a sales surge, reaching $1 million.

Founded and led by Darius Chapman, is a bootstrapped medical device company that works with multinational companies and serves an international market. The company’s team is small but dedicated to solving critical problems in cardiac care, especially for patients with electrical heart abnormalities.’s latest product, TorqView, has gained attention from pacemaker implant specialists and medical device companies. According to Professor Anand Ganesan,'s chief medical adviser and a cardiac electrophysiologist at Flinders, TorqView offers unprecedented accuracy in routine and complex pacemaker surgeries. Darius Chapman, who holds a degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Flinders, believes that TorqView will put on a strong growth trajectory, further solidifying its position in the medical device industry.

Contact Darius at Darius Chapman This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cardio Darius