November 2016
MDPP Director wins nation's top biomedical engineering award
Flinders University’s Professor Karen Reynolds has been awarded Engineers Australia’s top award for biomedical engineering at a gala awards ceremony in Brisbane.Professor Reynolds received the David Dewhurst award in recognition of her internationally significant contribution to Australian biomedical research, through a range of projects including Flinders’ Medical Device Partnering Program, which is preparing for a national roll-out.
Click here to read full article.
October 2016
Funding puts Flinders at centre of new wave of technology
Flinders University’s Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) is poised for a national roll-out thanks to funding from the Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals Industry Growth Centre (MTPConnect).The MDPP, already a major player in helping to bring South Australian medical technologies to market, now has its sights firmly sent on bringing together research, clinical and industry partners in a streamlined process for collaboration and product development across Australia.
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Researcher’s win a trail blazer for ‘Winnovative’ female engineers
Professor Karen Reynolds, the driving force behind Flinders University’s Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP), has been recognised as one of South Australia’s most innovative women after winning the Engineering category in the 2016 Women in Innovation (Winnovation) awards in Adelaide.Professor Reynolds developed the MDPP, an innovative model for collaboration between researchers, end-users and commercial partners, to help catalyse the medical technology industry in South Australia.
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Hydration measurement device ready for market
Hydralert, a device which measures and reports a person’s hydration level in real time, will be released and trialled at the Mining Emergency Response Competition competition in Perth later this year.
Prototyped in 2014 through the MDPP, Hydralert was developed by occupational hygienist Ryan Wynch, who had witnessed the effects of heat stress on underground miners in far north Western Australia, and wanted to find a way to encourage individuals to better manage their hydration levels.
Click here to read full article.
July 2016
'Collaborate to Innovate' networking event and unveiling of the MTPConnect Hub at Flinders University
The MDPP were pleased to hold a networking event to hear from past MDPP clients on their experiences and learnings on engaging with a University and how this has influenced the progression of their medical device or assistive technology. We have heard time and time again that successful medical technology innovation is difficult to achieve in isolation. We are looking at how industry and researchers benefit through the simple act of collaboration, and how this engagement can be facilitated.
The event included the offical unveiling of the MTPConnect hub at Flinders University and provided an opportunity to hear from Sue MacLeman (CEO, MTPConnect) on what is MTPConnect and how its draft "Sector Competitiveness Plan" will boost the competitiveness, productivity and innovative capacity of Australia's Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals sector.
June 2016
New device puts pressure on DVT
A new South Australian ‘intelligent compression’ device could help to save people from pulmonary embolism linked to deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a condition that kills more than 2,000 Australians every year.The device, being developed by Arkwright Technologies Pty Ltd at Flinders at Tonsley, provides precise pressures to the lower legs to protect against deep vein thrombosis during surgery. It can be reconfigured to deliver compression to patients with varying physiological conditions to promote circulation and lymphatic drainage.
It’s one of two new projects to receive research and development assistance from Flinders University’s Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP), funded by the South Australian Government’s Medical Technologies Program.
The second project to receive funding in the latest round of MDPP State Government funding is a ‘nasal delivery device’ to allow quick delivery of pain relief and other medications in ambulatory, pre-hospital and emergency market, as well as in the home setting. According to Antony Condina, the CEO of novel device company The Green Dispensary Pty Ltd, its manufacture locally could also mean more jobs for South Australia.
Click here to read full article. Click here to view TV coverage by Nine news.
May 2016
Establishing a Sustainable Telehealth Business Model in Australia
The Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) at Flinders University were pleased to host a networking event on Monday 9th May. Frost & Sullivan presented on 'Establishing a Sustainable Telehealth Business Model in Australia', followed by a panel session to specifically discuss 'Ageing and Technology'.
The event bought together stakeholders from industry, research, clinical and government, and also provided a unique opportunity to network with delegates from a Finnish Health Tech Business Delegation visiting Adelaide (looking for opportunities/partnerships, and for some, potentially locations to establish regional headquarters). Download a PDF copy of the presentation here. Sustainable Telehealth (PDF 1MB)
April 2016
Flinders Professor takes key seat on Federal Government Board
Flinders Medical Device Research Institute (MDRI) Director, Professor Karen Reynolds has been named alongside seven high profile experts to form the newly announced Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB). Approved by Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull, the advisory board comprises leading experts in medical research and innovation, health policy and commercialisation.The AMRAB will guide priorities for the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), one of the most important initiatives in Australia’s history to ensure Australia stays at the leading edge of medical science and contributes to transform the health of our nation.Minister for Health, Sussan Ley, said the eight-member board will advise the Government on how funds held in the MRFF should be allocated.“Through their expert and independent advice to the Government, the Advisory Board will play a key role in delivering on the MRFF’s agenda to support our world-class researchers and reinforce our nation’s great research reputation,” Minister Ley said.“
The MRFF is the single largest investment in medical research ever made in this country and a core part of the Australian Government’s health reform and innovation agenda.It is expected the MRFF will eventually provide around $1 billion a year in additional funding for health and medical research.MDRI Director, Professor Karen Reynolds said it is an honour to be named amongst such a high calibre group.“The Board brings a breadth of skills, experience and leadership of relevance to medical research. I look forward to contributing towards developing Australia’s strategic research and innovation priorities in this area”, said Professor Reynolds.
The Advisory Board will develop the Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy every five years, and associated Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities every two years. It will also provide advice to the Health Minister on other matters that relate to use of funding from the MRFF.
This appointment follows a number of other notable positions for Professor Reynolds, Director Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering Board; Member, South Australian Science Council; Chair, National Panel for Biomedical Engineering Education and Research, Engineers Australia and Member, Advisory Committee on Medical Devices, Therapeutic Goods Administration.
March 2016
'Avenues and considerations for entering global markets'
The MDPP were pleased to hold a breakfast event on Thursday 17th March 2016. MDPP guests heard from start-ups and established medical device companies who shared their experiences on entering new markets.The audience heard of the lessons learnt, success/perils and experiences from local medical device companies as well as experts who helped explain some of the considerations and avenues for exporting health technology products overseas.Panel members included:
January 2016
Revolutionary portable splint to be made in South Australia
A South Australian-made foldable splint is the latest product to benefit from the State Government-funded Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) at Flinders University. Manufacturing and Innovation Minister Kyam Maher says the ‘CAS Splint’, made by local company Fluoro Medical Pty Ltd and set to be launched later this year, will be manufactured in large quantities in South Australia.“The splint features an innovative design to stabilise and support injured limbs. It’s also waterproof and compact enough to fit into an everyday first aid kit,” he says.“The company says the project could create up to 25 jobs during the next three to five years.
MDPP Director, Professor Karen Reynolds, says experts from Flinders University’s Medical Device Partnering Program will run trials of the splint, which will help Fluoro Medical through the final development phase.“The MDPP will undertake an end-user trial and survey to validate the current design of the splint and make recommendations for design modifications as required,” says Professor Reynolds
Click here to read the full release
Another MDPP success
Mobility aid worth getting out of bed for
Article by Andrew Spence, The Lead SAA simple contraption to help the sick, frail and elderly get out of bed is set to take off on the lucrative American mobility aid market. Allan Perriam worked as a nurse for 10 years in Australia where expensive hoists were used to lift patients off of beds."I just saw that as undermining the rehabilitation process and undermining the independence of the patient so I thought 'there's got to be a better way", he said.
Perriam set up his own company Innovo Health Care and moved to South Australia in 2014 to manufacture his simple device, the U Stand Frame.The metal frames, which sell for $480, are loaded behind patients and anchored to the floor so patients can then use the handles to pull themselves up off the bed....The U Stand Frame was launched in October 2015 after a clinical trial run by Flinders University [Medical Device Partnering Program] at a hospital, rehabilitation centre and an aged care facility in South Australia.
Click here to read full article.
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