December 2015

Flinders named key node for national Med Tech Growth Centre

Flinders University's leadership in innovative medical technology has seen it win a major role to grow links between industry and researchers, under the Federal Government's innovation agenda.Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Christopher Pyne has announced Flinders will become one of two 'nodes' nationally of a new Medical Technologies and Pharmaceutical Growth Centre.The MTPGC is part of the $225 million industry Growth Centres Initiative. Growth Centres will work to unlock commercial opportunities and drive innovation by building links between businesses and industry organisations and the science and research sector.

The Growth Centre node at Flinders will be co-located with the Medical Device Research Institute (MDRI) and Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) based at Flinders' Tonsley campus, where it will work side-by-side with industry partners and other research groups. The Centre will be headquartered at The University of Sydney.

To read the full release, click here

MDPP Director joins Knowledge Nation 100

Flinders biomedical engineer and MDPP Director, Professor Karen Reynolds has been named as one of the Knowledge Nation 100, a group of visionaries, intellects, founders and game changers seen as the foremost contributors to Australia's knowledge economy. Identified by the Office of the Chief Scientist, the Australian newspaper and the Knowledge Society, the Knowledge Nation 100 are described as the people "building the industries and infrastructure that will underwrite Australia's future prosperity". They were celebrated at a lunch in Sydney today attended by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Read the full article here.

September 2015

U Stand Frame saves care worker's backs and aids patient recovery

Helping patients and aged care residents to stand is all in a day's work for many healthcare workers, by it comes at a cost, with nursing assistants suffering one of the highest rates of work-related musculoskeletal injuries.That's where the new lightweight, portable 'U Stand Frame', the most recent product to receive assistance from Flinders University's Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP), can make all the difference.The product currently being manufactured in Adelaide, is the brainchild of Managing Director of INNOVO Healthcare, Allan Perriam, who, as a practising nurse, has firsthand experience of the dilemma faced by health care workers often caught between 'no-lift' policies and the immediate needs of those they care for.

Read the full release here.  

Funding keeps Flinders at forefront of medical device technology

Flinders University's Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) will remain a driving force behind South Australia's medical technologies industry, thanks to an additional $250,000 in State Government funding. Manufacturing and Innovation Minister Kyam Maher says the funding means the MDPP's role in managing the State Government's Medical Technologies Program (MTP) will continue until at least 2017."The MTP supports the development of early stage medical technologies that deliver better health outcomes," he says."Since July 2013, the Program has received more than 75 project enquiries, 12 of which have received more than $30,000 of research and development assistance from the University's MDPP."

To read the full release, click here.

August 2015

Laser Company Eyes the Future

Excerpt taken from article by Candice Keller.  An Adelaide-based medical laser company is now the world's leading producer of ophthalmic technology to treat major eye diseases including cataracts, Age Related Macular Degeneration and glaucomas, the top cause of blindness globally.Ellex Medical Lasers Limited (ASX:ELX) dominates this niche sector of the medical technologies market that develops and manufactures lasers for the treatment of eye conditions, an independent report shows. Although Ellex has a clear hold on the international market, the company continues to push the agenda to develop talent at home in Adelaide. Through the Flinders Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP), Ellex and their joint ventures have provided industry driven projects, mentorship and guidance to the development of new products in their infancy.

The MDPP links research and development with manufacturing companies and clinical representatives to support the delivery of revolutionary products to consumers.

Click here to read full article.

July 2015

Great recognition for Flinders' Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP)

Dr Peter Binks, foundation director of the Wade Institute at the University of Melbourne, praised the Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) during an interview with 891 ABC Adelaide.Click here to read the full interview.


SA device removing need for x-rays released to international acclaim  

A South Australian orthopaedic device which removes the need for multiple x-rays when fixing bone fractures has received international acclaim from orthopaedic surgeons throughout the world.

The Ezy-Aim Electronic Digital Targeting System - developed by Adelaide-based orthopaedics company Austofix, with assistance from Flinders University's Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) - provides surgeons with an effective device to assist them during the insertion of nails and screws when fixing bone fractures.

Follow the link to download the full Image: L-R Mr Geoff Cottrell (Flinders University) and Mr Chris Henry (Austofix) with the EzyAim product.

June 2015

MDPP hosts key compliance workshop for SA health tech industry

Flinders University's Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) will host a two-day workshop for South Australian health technology companies at Tonsley this week.

With support from the Department of State Development, the workshop (11-12 June) delivered by BSI Group, will provide companies with an understanding of ISO 13485, the quality compliance measure for medical devices.MDPP Director, Professor Karen Reynolds said the MDPP was providing a portal for South Australian health technology companies to access relevant information and resources, which in turn was helping to grow the sector.

To read the full article click here.   

Photo: Shutterstock.If you were interested in attending this event and would like to put your name on a waiting list for any future events of this kind, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to submit your interest.

May 2015

MDPP Networking event - Medial Device Regulation for SMEs 

The MDPP together with the Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA) were pleased to hold the latest MDPP Networking Event yesterday afternoon (25 May 2015).  The 'Medical Device Regulation for SMEs' event held at Flinders at Tonsley, attracted almost 100 attendees including medical device companies, manufacturers, distributors, researchers and government representatives.The event provided an opportunity to hear from two influential interstate stakeholders in the medical technology arena. 

MTAA Chief Executive, Susi Tegen spoke about the association’s policy and advocacy agenda to provide support for SMEs operating in the medical technology space, whilst TGA National Manager, John Skerritt's presentation covered key areas such as understanding the regulatory frameworks applied to TGA decision making, the process of submitting applications to the TGA, understanding avenues for appeal, and the current environment with regard to the independent review medical device regulation



March 2015

Flinders collaborate with Madders Patent & Trade Attorneys

The Medical Device Partnering Program is pleased to announce their collaboration with Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys at Flinders University at Tonsley. Madderns Patent Attorney Chris Wilkinson will be based at Tonsley on a fortnightly basis to provide free intellectual property educational seminars and general intellectual property drop-in and initial consultation services to Flinders University researchers, MDPP clients and the wider Tonsley precinct community.

From time to time other attorneys from the Madderns Team will swap with Chris or be called into to provide specific assistance as required.This collaboration will allow the MDPP to further enhance its services to clients by providing specific IP resources to its clients and promote IP more broadly to the University and businesses located at Tonsley, to foster more interaction and collaboration between these groups.  

March 2015

Flinders SimTools to enhance medical training experience

A suite of diagnostic simulation tools has received expert help from Flinders University’s Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP).

With funding from the South Australian Government’s Medical Technologies Program, ‘SimTools’ received up to 250 hours of research and development assistance from the MDPP, modernising the software and providing a baseline for customised medical scenarios.

Developed by Dr Cyle Sprick, Director Simulation Unit at Flinders University, ‘SimTools’ is a suite of multiple replica diagnostic simulation tools that provide realistic feedback for training medical practitioners.F

or the full story, click here.  To watch the Seven Network news report, click here.

Spinal procedure no longer such a pain in the back

Researchers at Flinders University’s Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) will design a new medical device that could change the way spinal surgeries are delivered.The MDPP researchers will design and prototype a surgical instrument which will enable bone graft delivery during minimally invasive spinal fusion procedures.

For the full story, click here.

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