Curtin University supports a proposal to expand the Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) nationally from its origins in South Australia, and establish a WA Division. The MDPP is co-creating a model to connect capabilities across Australia. National expansion of the MDPP will build a critical mass of activitiy and capacity to make a significant contribution to the Australian medical device industry - to seed the products and companies of the future. This will foster the development of Western Australia's emerging collaborative networks and innovation community.
The Western Australian Division will be open and inclusive of a diverse and expansive range of industry, university, government and community stakeholders. The MDPP is designed to be inclusive of a vast range of medical devices and technologies including devices, instrumentation, materials, software, practices and other relevant technologies - all are welcome.
All are invited to a forum to learn more about the MDPP and the opportunities it presents, and then to participate in an open discussion to inform and direct the impending establishment of the WA Division.
When: Wednesday 5th September, 2:00pm-3:00pm
Where: Curtin University Lecture Theatre, Building 403, Room 101, Perth, Western Australia