The Actuator together with the Medical Device Partnering Program invite you to attend an all-day boot camp in Adelaide. This FREE workshop is open to anyone interested in the medtech sector and will provide an overview of the various elements in the commercialisation pathway for medical technologies.
WHEN: Friday 7th September, 8:30am- 4:30pm (followed by networking 4:30-6pm)
WHERE: Flinders at Tonsley, Level 5, 1284 South Road, Tonsley 5042
RSVP: via eventbrite by 31 August.
This is your opportunity to hear from experts in the field who will share their views and experiences in commercialising medical technologies. RSVP to secure your place.
Cant make the workshop but want to attend networking afterwards?
Then join us from 4.30pm -6pm on Friday 7th September at Flinders at Tonsley.
Just register via Eventbrite for catering purposes
(selecting the networking event ticket only).
We hope to see you there!