Technology has the ability to transform the way we deliver, monitor and receive care. The impacts are profound from all perspectives, be it the nurse delivering care, the patient receiving care or the economy and industry supporting these technological developments.

Join us at this free event to hear from four renown speakers who will each talk from a different perspective about how technology can transform care, what technology considerations are relevant for today and the economic benefits for South Australia.

The presentations will be followed by networking with fellow industry colleagues.


Monday 5th March 2018 from 5pm - 7pm
Theatre 1, Flinders University at Tonsley, 1284 South Road, Tonsley
RSVP: by Thursday 1 March. FREE to attend by registration essential. If you have any dietary requirements, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Professor Alison Kitson
Vice President and Executive Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University.

Rob Dimonte
NDIS Coordinator General, South Australian Department of State Development

Jan Van Emden
Business Manager Research & Development, Helping Hand

David Hobbs
Rehabilitation Engineer, Medical Device Research Institute, Flinders University